Tuesday, 21 January 2025



Why did we hold 9 exhibitions?


From 1386 (2007) the last Damparvaran Magazine (now, Agricultural Infrastructures) has held 9 exhibitions with emphasize on innovative irrigation systems. All of the reports and photos of those exhibitions are available in the website at the address of agriwi.news or sabznn.ir.

The first to 4th exhibition were in title of National Professional Exhibition of Machinery and Equipment's of Modern Irrigation Methods. in Karaj city. And after that were in title of Agricultural Infrastructures Technologies. The main reason to hold such exhibitions were the bad condition of water and the necessity to observe the water crisis and underground resources, because many damages were caused of irregular usage in recent years.

Encourage farmers to settle modern irrigation system can decrease water usage and promote the efficiency rate. Now the water efficiency in traditional cultivation is around 35% but in modern irrigation system is around 80%.

 In these two decades all of the governments observed to this necessity and allocated 85% of subsidies to provide modern irrigation system.   

Middle East and North Africa have the least water resources of the world and the acute conditions suffer their agriculture sectors and supplying food and grain. So the most serious challenges are about food safety. Iran has more than 16 million hectares arable ground which only 8 million hectares of them are irrigated farm lands and gardens. But according to global bank the countries in Middle East are encounter to extinct and non-renewable water resources that by irregular usage their water foundations will be ruined.

Iran, as well, is in danger and by this way the future of agriculture is dark. It is said that more than 90% of fresh water is used in agriculture sectors that most of it waste in traditional farming. More over the harvested crops have not a logical proportion to used water.

Visiting such exhibitions can encourage farmers and show the benefits of modern irrigation system to them.


The nine exhibition that held by Damparvaran Magazine (agricultural Infrastructures Technologies) are as follow:


1st- National Professional Exhibition of Machinery and Equipment's of Modern Irrigation Methods. 22- 24 Oct. 2007, Iran, Karaj


2nd- National Professional Exhibition of Ingredients, Irrigation and Greenhouse Equipment', Agricultural Instruments and Machinery, (Agri NTGAM), 7- 10 Oct. 2008, Karaj- Iran, in 6000 m2 and 104 exhibitors.


   3rd- National Professional Exhibition of Ingredients, Irrigation and Greenhouse Equipment', Agricultural Instruments and Machinery. (Agri NTGAM). 20- 23 Oct 2009. Karak- Iran. In 4000 m2 and 150 exhibitors.



 4th- National Professional Exhibition of Ingredients, Irrigation and Greenhouse Equipment', Agricultural Instruments and Machinery. 5- 8 Oct. 2010- Zanjan- Iran. In 5000 m2 and 115 exhibitors.


5th- Exhibition Agricultural Technology of Infrastructure (Iran Agri A.T.I 2011). 4- 7 Oct. 2011. Karaj- Iran. In 4700 m2 and 110 exhibitors.


6th- National Professional Exhibition of Ingredients, Irrigation and Greenhouse Equipment', Agricultural Instruments and Machinery. 9- 12 Oct. 2012. Karaj- Iran. In 6000 m2 and 95 exhibitors.


7th- National Professional Exhibition of Ingredients, Irrigation and Greenhouse Equipment', Agricultural Instruments and Machinery. 17- 17 Oct. 2014. Karaj- Iran. In 3000 m2 and 100 exhibitors.


8th- Exhibition Agricultural Technology of Infrastructure. 15- 18 Dec. 2015. Karaj- Iran. In 4000 m2 and 82 exhibitors.



9th National Professional Exhibition of Ingredients, Irrigation and Greenhouse Equipment', Agricultural Instruments and Machinery. 18- 21 Oct. Karaj- Iran.




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