Medical Herb Export Increase to 3.5 Milliard Dollar
Dr. Peyman Yousefi Azar, executer of herb plan in agriculture ministry, told about the production and trade activities on herbs in the world. He added, 20 million dollar are allocated to develop herb culture and
according to 5 year progressive plan the herb export must run to 3.5 milliard dollar.
ST Genetics Interbreed Conference
Nahadehay Dami Pakdasht Amini (N.D.P.Co) is one the most activists in produce and introduce of animal sperms and breeding. In this conference many of farmers and breeding managers were invited.
Mr. Louis Prange, the famous expert in breeding lectured the last findings in breeding and the sexed sperms.
N.D.P.Co is the sole agency of English Cogent Company in Iran. Cogent company has the largest bull station in England and prepares the genetic needs for milk herds.
Why We Honour World Soil Day