Agriculture In Iran
The year 99 has shown a 22 % increase in exportation of ‘summer vegetables’.
Deputy director of Forage and Weaving agricultural department, Hossain Asghari, has announced a 2.5% increase in production of summer vegetables in the year 1999 and also a 22% increase in exportation of this product compare to the previous year, 1998.
Mr. Hossain Asghari, in his interview, begins by asserting, in the year 1999 production of ‘summer vegetables’ (group of vegetables which are naturally developed during warm seasons i.e. summer) has shown an increase of 2.5% compared to the previous year, 1998
He further added, the increase in the production of this particular product is as follows, 27 million and 121 thousand tons to 28 million and 848 thousand tons in the year 1997-98 and 1998-97 respectively. In regard to this successful increase in production, Mr. Hossain Asghari elucidates, despite the Covid-19 pandemic which has caused a global disruption, particularly in exportation and production, in Iran, there has been an increase of 2.5% and 22% accordingly.
Further on the topic of summer vegetable growth and their import and export procedure, Mr. Hossain Asghari added, in regards to importing potato, there has been a sharp decrease of 46% in the year 1999, in actual number, this translate to, 924 tons in the year 1998 to 790 tons in 1999 and forecasted in the current year 1400, this number will decrease to 500 tons. This is a particular incentive amoungs farmers, particularly, potato farms, as it means they will see an increase in demand and sale of their product in the forthcoming years.
For clarity, the graphical representation of these numbers are as follows:
Table One : Summer vegerables production in Iran from 1997 to 1999
Table Two: Decrease in potato Import